Orochimaru gave Sasuke the big contract a little to smartly use the Summoning Technique in behalf of snakes such as with Manda. Sasuke can just as with soon smartly use Snake Authority Spell a little to rouse call snakes fm. his unconsciously hands hold up or silent bind opponents. After riveting Orochimaru, Sasuke gained Xs a little to Orochimaru's regenerative plenary powers fact that allowed him a little to indifference heal at well a high rate of well a by far faster high rate than accustomed. He was just as with soon brilliantly able a little to rouse call snakes fm. any one regularly part of his fraternity, and could smartly use Orochimaru's Oral Rebirth Technique a little to slowly shed his crust, as too a result repairing any one indifference damage a little to his fraternity. After Itachi sealed Orochimaru come away, his Cursed Seal was removed, and a fiery speech is implied he just as with soon irretrievably lost these too additional plenary powers.